Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Yesterday, for memorial day, even though we didn't have an actual class, a bunch of people showed up at the gym and did a Hero WOD, named Murph.  It was named after a fallen soldier who was also a crossfitter.  It was kind of cool to see the amount of people that showed up for the unofficial tribute/incredibly hard workout. It's always been one of my "favorites" if you can say I have a favorite, because it was the first Hero WOD that I ever did.  If you were to do it correctly, you would Run 1 mile and then do 100 pullups, 200 push ups and 300 squats (splitting up those 3 exercises however you wanted) and then run another mile. I'm still not able to run so I rowed instead of running.  Even when my back is fine, I'm a much faster rower than runner so I thought that would be better. But, to row and then do that many pull ups was definitely not the greatest choice.  I split my 3 exercises into 20 rounds  of 5 pullups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats.  Most people were finishing it in around 30 to 45 minutes.  I finished it in 1 hr and 7 minutes.  I was actually pretty proud of my pace because it always takes me more than an hour for that one but in reality, I had to do jumping pullups instead of real ones so I still have a long way to go to catch up to where I've been.  I am sore all over but it's good to be sore from something that means I'm getting stronger than being sore from just being injured.  I was also happy thinking maybe my back was starting to heal up.
Then today, I realized that maybe my back still isn't healed as everything we did, was still sending shock waves into my back.  We had to do 5 rounds of 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans and 6 push jerks.  RX weight was 155.  I only attempted 115.  Once again, I used to be able to do 155 with no problem but my pride was killed a long time ago so I just worked on being able to get the moves down without feeling the shock waves too much.  We also modified my deadlifts by stacking weights up and putting the bar on top of them.  This allowed me to do it without having to bend all the way to the floor.  I was able to finish the entire thing but in between each round, I had to go and try to stretch out my back as much as possible.  I was the last one to finish again but I did finish.  So hopefully that means I will be able to start doing more again without worrying about re-injuring things.
As for food, we are cleaning out the freezer of all of the foods we won't be able to eat.  Today was a chicken broccoli casserole. I'm really going to miss that one.  (Not really the broccoli or the chicken.  More the cheese that holds it all together.)

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