Thursday, May 24, 2012

If there is still someone that reads this blog I apologize to that person. This has been a crazy week with the end of the school year and such.  So here is a quick post to show I am still alive.  I have made it to the gym every day but I'll have to update on my workouts next time.
Although this morning, I went to class and the whole WOD was running different distances with a minute break in between and starting each round with 5 burpees.  I actually rowed the whole thing instead of ran.  The rounds escalated from 155 meters up to 775meters for the highest round back to 155M for the last round.  Because I rowed, I was in the back reading off each distance on the board in the back.  When I finished, there was actually only one other person who finished before me and he is a big time runner.  So I was quite pleased with my results until I started to notice that most people still had 1 or 2 more rounds left and I knew I couldn't be that fast.  So I went and studied the board a little more and I noticed that it said "Crossfit Lite" on the workout.  So my ego was shot because the Lite WOD actually skipped 2 of the rounds that the regular class did.  Oh, well.  I'm thinking of now joining the Crossfit Lite class.


  1. Hi Scott.

    I am a fellow Crossfitter... then not Crossfitter, then Crossfitter... then not and so on. We have never officially met, but I know who you are and have seen you around.

    I just started back with Crossfit Lite on Tuesday morning... and it totally kicked my butt! I had the lowest score, and I was very discouraged. BUT, I have to remind myself, and remind myself, and remind myself it takes time to get back to where I once was.

    Hang in there, only positive thoughts!

    See you at the club!

    1. Thanks Jenn! Glad to have a fellow on again off again Crossfitter in the crowd. It will be great to get back to where we have been. Now I just have to work on my patience.

  2. When you figure out the secret to being patient... Let me know!
