Friday, May 11, 2012

I've been having a harder time trying to update this blog for the mere fact that I am still mostly just riding the bike everyday.  Just writing that I rode the bike everyday makes for a very dull story.  I would love to be able to actually do a full WOD without my back starting to spasm.  I have also thought about just substituting any of the back exercises with something else but the majority of the moves that we do in class still use your back in some way.  So I am continuing to see if I lose more weight, will that help take some pressure off of my back. 

The goals that I had set for myself were to have lost 10 lbs by now but I'm currently only down 5.  I will take that as a victory since I have spent half of the past 6 weeks lying around with my leg elevated.  But it's still annoying not having lost more.  I think that's why most resolutions to get in shape don't get very far.  It's hard to keep up with it if you don't see immediate results.  I just have to remember that it took a year to put on all of this weight so it's going to be a while before I start to see the results that I hope to get. 

The other issue that I'm having is seeing people in class that are relatively new who can lift more than I can.  I keep thinking that I should be able to do just as much as them until I realize that I'm probably about twice their age and I need to quit worrying about it.  My health and fitness will never be based on what someone else in class is doing, right?  Or, will it?  I am starting to see a little more range of motion although I still have a lot of tightness in my legs back and I think things are starting to loosen up a little more at the chiropractor. Although I'm sick of saying this, I need to have more patience there also. The swelling in my leg is getting better but I long time to go there also.  I know.....Patience.  Stupid Patience.....


  1. Way to go on losing five pounds! Better than nothing- considering your stuff in the last weeks !

    I constantly have to remind myself I am competing with myself- I am always last! Maybe I should write a blogpost about that!

    Keep it up-it will get better!

    1. Thanks Rosie. Half of the reason I started this darn blog was so that others would help me hold myself accountable knowing that people would following my results. I'm hoping now, I can finally start to step it up a notch.
