Friday, August 24, 2012


So tomorrow is the Crossfit the Club summer games.  It's kind of bitter sweet for me.  It's bitter because I can't run that hill even if I wanted to but yet sweet because I don't have to run up that nasty hill.  It's kind of cool to look back at this video and see that I actually participated in these game and it gives me some motivation to keep on trying.  Although I have been horrible at keeping this blog up to date, I am still continuing on my plan to get better.  
Our eating has stayed good and we've lost over 50 lbs as a family.  I also ran the track during today's WOD.  Keep in mind that it was only 2.5 laps around the track but it's at least encouraging that I'm doing things. The airdyne bicycles are still my mortal enemies.  We also did a WOD this week where we had to do our body weight in bench presses as many times as you could and then as many pull ups as you could and then repeat those 5 times.  That day alone gave made me realize that I still need to lose a crap load of weight.  I had to do the heaviest bench press in the class.  So my new goal, is to get down to where I'm not having to do the heaviest bench press of the day by either losing a lot more weight or talking someone heavier than me to join the class.  I'm still deciding which would be the better way to go.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Cheat Meal

I'm pretty sure the local police are getting tired of me turning myself in every weekend for the crime of being '"too sexy."  Ok, so I still have a long ways to go but I'm at least down 25 lbs.  Although I'm frustrated that I'm not gaining any muscle back, it is nice to have less weight and pressure on my back and knees.
We are still going strong on the paleo thing but I'm apparently still not doing it right.  Everybody tells me that if you're doing it right, your tastes and cravings change to where you actually desire fruits and vegetables.  I've also read that when you junk food again, then you'll be sick.  Well, like I said, I must be doing it wrong because I still crave junk foods and they haven't made me sick.  We have incorporated into our diet a "cheat meal" once a week.  We had Pizza one week and on Saturday we had Club sandwiches and Fries.  These meals have seriously been some of the highlights of my week.  I'm definitely doing something wrong, aren't I?  The way I look at it, if you don't have a cheat meal, you'd go nuts until you break your diet.  This way, we're still on it the majority of the time but don't go crazy.
Cheat day at the pool, match made in heaven.  We've been trying to swim a couple of times a week because it's one of the only activities we can do that Adam enjoys and we don't have to worry about him running off.  I love it too because when you're in the pool, the pressure is off of my back.  I actually think, that's one of the things that's helping with my recovery, the most.  Saturdays at the pool is one of my favorite summer activities. I know a lot of people love fall but I'd be happy to have summer all year.  I'm not looking forward to Labor day cause that's the end of our summer lazy Saturday's at the pool tradition.

Still Fat

Thursday, August 2, 2012

They've changed the Thursday morning schedule to where there's only one teacher at 6 am and they combine both the regular class and the Crossfit Lite Class and we all just do the same WOD.  Guess who came in last out of both classes?  I bet you'll never get it.
 Today's WOD was:
AD 1600 m
50 Sit-ups
50 Back Ext.
Run 800 m (I rowed this)
40 Med Ball Sit-ups- 20lbs
40 Russian KBS-70lbs (Still can't do it.)
Row 400 m
30 Med Ball Russian Twist- 15 lbs
30 Banded Good Mornings- green/blue

Have you guessed who came in last place yet?  I mean I'm used to coming in last in the regular class but to have all the Lite people pass me up, seriously blows.  The good news is I was able to do most of this.   I still can't do Kettlebells. I even tried it at 53 lbs but it was still too painful so I had to do 35lbs (less than the girls weight.)  But to be able to do all of the other things, even at my snail like pace, was a great feeling for me. 

 It's been almost 4 months since I started my "quest."  I remember back then thinking that by August, I should be back into shape and be able to RX the WODs by now.  I thought that by August, I'd be able to focus more on improving my times and results.  I thought I'd look back at those months and figure that all of that had sucked but it was worth it because I would have lost at least 40 lbs and my back would be all better.  Well I was right on part of my thinking.  It has SUCKED.  Well there were a couple of hiccups and I'm not quite where I thought I would be.  It hasn't been all bad though, I'm down 20 lbs but I'm not quite there physically, where I had planned.  Still, I'm happy with the progress that I'm making and I'm going to keep seeing what else I can add to help with the back pain.

8/1 Really happy?