Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I really do think that I'm a fairly easy going person (don't ask my wife) and that I can get along with most people. One of the great things about Crossfit is the friendships that I have made with a lot of different people. Even with those friendships and my easy going personality, there are 8 people that go to Crossfit that I just can't stand. Some are guys some are girls. I know I shouldn't feel like that. I'm not going to name any names because they may not know that I dislike them, and some of them I don't even know their names. (Ok maybe I am a shallow person).

As I said, I'm not going to name any names but I think a lot of other people don't like them very much either. Just because I won't name any names doesn't mean that I won't give you a clue. Here it is:

I HATE THE EIGHT OTHER PEOPLE THAT FREAKIN FINISHED AHEAD OF ME BUT WERE TOO TIRED TO FILL THE BACK ROW SLOT!!! Ok, so maybe I only hate 7 of you because one of the first bars would have been a corner slot but seriously, are you all really so tired that you couldn't put your bar away in the back middle slot.  I mean, I realize it does take a little bit of extra effort to have to put it back there but it takes a whole lot more effort when I have to put my bar away around these other ones. 
So here's a couple of slogans for a few of my Crossfit "Friends".
-Crossfit: Your warmup is our workout, but our cool down.....meh.
-Crossfit: Giving it 110%.....but just during the WOD
-Crossfit:  Really cool people except for 7 or 8 chumps, probably the same ones that do Steroids.

(Ok, so that last one was a stretch)

Anyway, thank you for letting me make fun of some select people.  I'm excited to say that I have been making some improvements on several exercises so I'll go back to reporting on that cools stuff next time.

Friday, October 19, 2012

I think that to stay healthy in Crossfit, you definitely need to take advantage of the rest days.  Not even the regular rest days every week, but I occasionally, your body just needs a break.  For some reason, between the normal WODs and some that I've had to modify, I had to do hang cleans last Friday and Saturday and then we did them again on Monday and the back of my neck and shoulders were pretty beat up.  I finally decided to not even look at Tuesdays WOD and just take a day off.
I thought I'd be able to not even think about it but the Facebook community wouldn't let me go without thinking about it.  People started posting how horrible Tuesdays WOD was and how they had wished they had stayed home and how they barely even finished the WOD.  An average person would read these comments and be happy that they had missed out but because I'm crazy, I was actually a little envious that they had all got to go through this terrible torture together and that I wasn't there to partake in this painful experience.  I've apparently become a masochist maybe? I do see people that don't take rest days and I've even been tempted at times to skip the rest days.  I mean, when you feel good, keep it going right?  This along with skipping the warmups/cool downs has made Crossfit the best thing to ever happen to Physical Therapists and Orthopedic Surgeons.
Maybe I just need to stay off of Facebook on my days off too. Crossfit Facebookers are straight up crazy but I could fill up a whole other page going off on that.

Monday, October 8, 2012

So my goal for when I started this blog was to lose the 40 lbs that I had gained since I got injured last year.  The good news is I'm finally down 40 lbs from when I started this blog! The bad news is that I'm still obese so I apparently thought I was more in shape than I really was back then.  But that's a good milestone to hit and I'm happy with it even if it took longer than I had planned.  We are still sticking to Paleo most of the time although we allow ourselves one cheat meal a weak and we probably go overboard.  For instance, on Sunday we had Costco mac and cheese with french bread and butter and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.  We did throw in some cut up fruit just to pretend like it was semi healthy but that meal was about as unpaleo as you could get.  It was the Bizzaro Paleo meal.  Although that fits because sometimes I'm pretty sure that I'm the Bizarro version of me and somewhere out there is the regular version of me that's fit and can do box jumps and is nice to people (My exact opposite).

I did have a setback last Monday.  As I've discussed, the muscles in my legs are always "flexed" at all times.  In the regular human, when one side of a muscle is flexed, the other side is relaxed.  In my legs, both sides of the muscle are flexed at all times. It's why I suck at doing box jumps and double unders (That and I'm apparently still obese.) A couple of times a year the pressure on my back will just "give up" and I'll feel a pop and it's bad news.  I know that when it happens, I have about a half hour before it's swells up so badly that it's pinching the nerves up and down my spine so that I basically can't move for a few days and even after that, I'm walking with a cane for another week.  I mean, I am always complaining on here about a sore back but during these episodes, I literally can't roll over. Well this time, it happened while I was in Crossfit.  I have seen several people injure themselves there because they don't warm up properly or they don't do an movement like they were taught.  I don't think I warmed up as I should have but I don't actually know if it was Crossfit that caused my back to pop. (The last time it happened, I was just bending over to make our bed.) So I can't really say if it would have happened or not because this happens to me a couple of times a year.  What I can say is that I hurt it on Monday and I was able to stand again by Tuesday with the help of a cane. By Thursday I was able to walk without the cane and by Friday I was back at Crossfit. So I was pretty happy about that.  Unfortunately, I'm in for a lifetime of pain but I can definitely say that I healed a lot faster from this episode, than I have done in the past and I truly believe it is because of workouts that we do that is helping to strengthen my core.  I imagine eating better has helped keep the inflammation down too.  A couple of sports rehab guys tell me that there business is better than ever because of injured Crossfitters.  I believe that to be true but I think a major reason for that is as I stated, they don't warm up properly. They show up late and go straight into the workout. Or they sacrifice good form for heavier weight. 

So although I had the setback, I am very sure that I healed faster and am still better off because of the eating plan and workouts that have been set up at Crossfit The Club. (Although, I think I'm better off, I still reserve the right to complain and hate being there every morning.)

10-8-12 Down 40 lbs but still obese.