Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I finally got my PICC line taken out yesterday but my leg is still pretty swollen.  The doctor has given me a months worth of oral antibiotics with 8 refills because she said it could take anywhere from a month to a year for the infection to be completely gone.  For something that came on so quickly, this really is annoying getting rid of it.

The good news is I was able to go to Crossfit with literally no strings attached.  The bad news is I'm weaker than ever but now I can start going at it full on.  Today's WOD was 3 rounds of 465 meters running (I chose rowing) and then 20 burpees and 20 kettle bell swings at 53 lbs.  My back is still bad and so I modified the burpees to where I didn't go down all the way to the ground but I went down to two 20 inch boxes instead and then did a push up off of them.  Pretty weak.  I did do the kettle bells at the correct weight but I probably shouldn't have.  In a way, I think that it was good that I have had the recent problems that I've had because I'm going to have to try to come back slower than I was going to do.  I probably would have ended up hurting myself because my back still isn't great but I have a hard time doing any of the workouts at lighter weights than I'm used to because I'm too proud.  So I'm going to say that the leg infection was a good thing. 

I haven't taken any pictures of myself lately because I haven't known the people that were in my classes and I would have felt like a fool asking someone that I don't know to take a picture of me in the gym.  But, I will start again tomorrow because I do want a better idea of how I'm doing.  I better be losing weight because today at work we had Chic Fil A and all I got was a grilled chicken salad.  So if I'm not losing weight I'm going to be ticked.

I am looking forward to see what I can do now.  Hopefully I'll be able to gain back some of the muscle that I've lost.

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