Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sometimes a busy schedule gets in the way and you just can't make it to class.  I didn't want to miss class but I did.  I wasn't going to post anything but a couple of my friends told me that they still follow my blog and enjoy it so I thought I'd post a random memory from my childhood that will has helped shape my life.

When I was in 3rd grade, my friend Brian and I were playing during recess and my friend Chad said he had to show us something really fast but he couldn't let the teachers see.  So we went behind a bunch of bushes and looked around to make sure no grownups were watching.  When we decided the cost is clear, he pointed to different parts of his body and said "Milk, Milk, Lemonade.  Around the corner fudge is made."  We laughed and laughed and then made sure the teachers didn't see and then we went back to the playground.  That was probably one of the greatest days of my life and has helped me be the great person that I am today.  Maybe?  (There we go, I probably just lost my last two followers after that story so now I won't have to post every day)


  1. You still have to post occasionally because you make me laugh!

    I feel like a stalker! Good thing thing I have google reader to tell me when you post- always brightens my day!

    1. That's cool. I'm glad I can keep your interest. I'm running out of things to post as it's taking me longer to rehab than I thought.
