Friday, May 18, 2012

I just realized it's been a few days since I've posted.  So much for my daily updates.  The problem is, I don't really have anything exciting to post.  I did make it to class on Wednesday and Thursday, but I'm substituting so many of the exercises, that you don't recognize the actual WOD.  I tried to do the kettle bells at a light weight but it still sends a shock down my spine on the first part of the swing.  Once I get the kettle bell or any bar bell higher than my chest I'm just fine.  But the first part of the transition from the hang position just feel like my spine is stuck together in ways it shouldn't be.  It looks like it's going to take some more time on the stupid Airdyne to continue to get the "rust" off of my spine to see if things can start moving again in full range.  The good news is that we did the bench press on Wednesday and that I can actually do that because I'm not using my back.  The bad news is it's been at least 6 months since I tried to bench anything and so I am weaker there also.  We did 225lbs and I probably over did it at that.  Once again, I need to realize that I been recommitted to the gym for that long and I had a nice little 3 week rest during that time also. 
As for my leg, it is still swollen and the Dr. wants me to wear compression socks more often so that I don't get a clot.  So at least I'll get to look really stylish with my granny knee high stockings. 
As far as the diet goes, I've lost a couple more lbs this week.  I still can't see any noticeable difference but it's a step in the right direction.  We had a going away party for a co-worker with pizza, donuts, and cake.  I had one piece of pizza and cursed in my head at everyone else for eating the donuts and cake and looking like they were really enjoying it.  I keep waiting for the right time to start moving further from weight watchers and more to a cutting more of the "white" carbs out but there's always some type of family get together or celebration so I keep postponing.  There's always going to be an excuse so I might as just bite the bullet and do it.  The biggest reason I've stayed with counting points instead of going paleo is so that I can still eat what my family eats and not have two different meals but I think I've talked to Katie into letting me try The Zone or Paleo as they seem like the next step in my effort to get fit.  I hope one of them says that Cheetos is ok.  That's probably the one I'll choose.

1 comment:

  1. Cheetos aren't white - they're orange! I always thought orange was a GOOD color to eat!
