Sunday, May 20, 2012

One of the worst things about my long absence from Crossfit is that my callouses on my hands are gone.  My hands are basically smooth.  In some sick way, the callouses were almost a badge of honor showing the hundreds of pull ups that I had done over those first couple of years.  So now I'm back trying to do pull ups again and not only am I feeling a little ashamed for having to do jumping pull-ups, it's also pretty painful on the hands.   
Yesterday, it was team day again since it's Saturday.  I figured I would just do the WOD by myself and just do half of it so that I didn't have to drag anyone else's score down.  But it was also the Ogden Marathon day and so only a few of us showed up to class.  So as much as I tried to hide, there were only 4 guys and so I partnered up with Spencer who is always one of the fastest ones in our class.  I apologized ahead of time for what I was about to do to his score.
The WOD was
3 Rounds for time of:
100 Double Unders
80 Partner Med Ball Sit-ups-20lbs
60 Goblet Squats-35lbs
40 Pull-ups
20 Hand Stand Push Ups (I substituted with a 95lb push press)
We each had to do half.  I can't jump high enough for double unders. He would do 50 double unders but I had to do 3x my part because I was doing singles.  So I did 150 singles each time.  He quickly went through his 50 and I thought it was great how fast he went because we would be done sooner.  The problem was, I only got to rest while he was doing his part.  So the faster he went, the less time I had to rest.  With the partner med-ball sit-ups, you were facing each other and passing the medicine ball back and forth for each person's sit-ups.  The nice thing about having him as my partner was that I didn't take any breaks because I didn't want to ruin his score.  I was actually pretty fast with the Goblet squats.  Unfortunately, it's not because I'm strong, it's because I can't squat very deep so I could go quickly.  The Pull-ups sucked.  Especially since he whizzed through his half because he weighs roughly 90lbs (I'm estimating).  Even though I was doing jumping pullups, his half was still much quicker.  With the hand stand pushups, I'm pretty sure I would fall over so I substituted my 10 with 95lb push presses.  
I was happy with how fast we were getting through but by the third round, I was cursing his name because of how little rest I got.  I did get to experience something that I've never experienced before as we were the first ones done with a time of 27:24.  Of course, there were only 4 teams and the only exercise that I did RX was the situps, but I'm counting it as a victory.  (C'mon guys, give me this one.  I don't get victories very often).   I'm definitely feeling the aches in my shoulders today but this is an ache that makes me proud, not like the ones in my back. 

5-19 My new granny knee high compressions socks.