Sunday, May 13, 2012

I didn't have time to post yesterday but it was my first team WOD since I've been trying to make a comeback.  I love the Saturday team workouts because it pushes you a little harder because you don't want to let your teammates down.  I usually also love them because you usually get to rest while your teammate goes.  This one was different in that we were actually in teams of 5.  I also have a harder time with that because in teams of 2, I can usually find 1 person who doesn't care if I ruin their score but it's a little tougher to find 4 that won't mind if I drag them down to last place.  The workout was 4 round of 5 different exercises at a minute at each station.  So by the time we were done, we had done 20 minutes straight.  

It was definitely a killer.  I can still feel a lot of pressure and grinding on my back so I couldn't RX everything but I did what I could.  The 5 stations were:
-Sumo Deadlift High Pull at 75 lbs -I still can't bend all the way to the ground so I modified it so that I was doing it from a hang position at the knees.  I know half of the exercise is gone that way but it is what it is
-Box Jumps-20″ -Due to the tight tendons and muscles in my ankles, quads, knees etc, I've never been able to jump these.  (Try box jumping almost straight legged and without moving your ankles and you'll see the problem). 
Push Press-75lbs- I love push press.  One of the only things I can do correctly
Cal Row-
Static Dead lift hold- 225lbs.- There's no way yet.  I used the women's weight of 155lbs and I still thought I was going to fall over from the grinding in my back.

It was a good workout though and luckily one of the ladies on my team would occasionally get mixed up on which station she was supposed to be at so by the time I got her to which station she was going to be in, I would only have half of that minute left for the station I was at.  I think if I had gone the full 20 minutes straight, I'd still be lying on the floor.  Most of my team lost count so we didn't know our exact score but the team next to us was made up of the people that represented the club at the Xfit regionals and they got something like 1780 reps and they are pretty good so I figured that we probably got 1781 reps.

Although I'm still modifying a lot, I'm getting anxious and really want to just go full out again.  I really hope I can get there again.  I'm not delusional to think that I will ever have a good score but it always made me feel good just to finish the WOD at the prescribed weights.  Time will tell.  I'm still thinking I can get there.

5-12-2012 Still can't see a difference but something better be happening darn it!

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