Sunday, April 29, 2012

Starting again

I've decided that about once a month, I'm going to declare that I'm ready together back to the gym and then I'll show up for a couple of days and then I'll find another reason to not go for a few weeks. This way everyone will be impressed with my resolve but I won't actually have to exercise. I'm thinking about getting bird flu or swine flu for my next excuse. In the mean time, it was good to get back to the gym even though I was hindered in what I could do with my stylish fanny pack IV.

This is one of the first times that I was thankful for having this IV in me as the rest of the class had to run the hill outside of the gym. My main goal was to get my muscles moving again after basically laying around for a couple of weeks. So all I did was 3 rounds of riding the Airdyne for 10 minutes at an easy pace and then 25 sit ups. Afterwards, my leg was swollen and hurting again so I had to go home and elevate it but it was at least good to get things moving again. I will have this IV line in for at least another week so I'm going to have to create some workouts that I can do that won't rip it out of my arm. I'm thinking it will incorporate a lot of foam rolling and PVC pipe overhead stretching.

4-28-2012 Me and my cool Fanny Pack

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