Monday, April 23, 2012

I was finally released today and look forward to sleeping at home.  When I first was hospitalized I thought at least I would be able to get a good nights rest this way. Unfortunately, the first night they came in almost every hour to change IVs, get vitals, draw blood, etc. Add that to the pain and I think I maybe got two hours of sleep the first night.

The following night, I was so tired, I thought I would sleep very well. I tried to sleep but I was so tired I think I was a little on the delirious side.  They left the fluorescent lights on in my room. All of them had burnt out except one bulb and I was so tired but I started thinking about horror shows in the hospital with the one light bulb and the psycho surgeon and then I was afraid to go to sleep.  I finally, quit thinking about those horror movies and was able to fall a sleep.  Then around midnight, my door opened and there was an old man in a hospital gown looking at me and he had BLOOD on his gown.  This sounds like I'm making this up but it seriously happened.  After he stared at me he closed my door and left.  I definitely was not falling back a sleep after that.  Maybe I was just delirious and was letting my mind wander but I didn't know what to do.  So I looked over at the door to make sure everything was fine, and there was blood on the freakin floor by my door!  What kind of psycho hospital did I check myself into?  I was waiting for a clown to pop out of the closet at any moment.  Well a couple of minutes later a nurse looked in and apologized because the man next door to me was a little delusional and wasn't sure where he was at and was looking for a restroom even though he had a catheter in him.  A janitor then opened my door and apologized and said he just needed to clean up the blood on my floor.  I told him he might want to check my bed because I was pretty sure I had just messed my pants.  He laughed and left.  I could hear the old man and the nurses trying to get him back into bed for quite a while after that.  I finally had to turn on the tv and sleep with the sound on just so that it would drown out what was going on in the hallway.  Needless to say, I'm hoping to get some good rest tonight.

The infection on my leg has gone down a little and it's no longer purple but it's still painful as heck.  I have to keep it elevated as much as possible for the next week so I probably won't be playing any racquetball this week.  But I am home, so that's a step in the right direction.

The 1 working light in my room.

1 comment:

  1. When I frist read this story, I cracked up. But then I tried to imagine myself in your position and I got all FREAKED OUT!!! You were way more brave than I would have been. I'm positive I would have screamed!
