Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog for the next few days.  It's kind of a pain to write this from a phone.  It's good to write the ups and downs when tracking your goals to become fit again but you don't want to start the thing with lots of downers.  People keep saying that this an "inspirational" blog but if I keep having setbacks, people won't want to keep coming back to get more of this type of inspiration.

This might be easier to follow if I give a little background of the past month.  I have an 7 year old nonverbal autistic son who I love dearly.  He is amazing at running, jumping and climbing.  He would seriously dominate  if he could do the Ninja Warrior Challenge.  A few weeks ago, he tried to jump from the table to the stair railing.  My wife was afraid that he would go right over the railing so she caught him in her left arm but it ended up tearing her shoulder muscles and tendons.  She had to go through surgery to get it fixed and now she is in a sling for at least 6 weeks and can't drive, with another month of physical therapy.  This is why it was so important and disappointing when the epidural on my back didn't work but was a major motivation to see what else would work. My daughter also went in for a tonsillectomy a couple of weeks ago so my major job along with keeping the house in order was to keep my son from climbing on them.   My son at the same time got a major sinus infection and we've the doctors trying different antibiotics until one worked.  I have been pretty healthy other than the typical back pain. Finally, this week, my daughter and son seem to be a lot better. 

Well, as I noted in the last entry.  I somehow got a MRSA Staph infection which led to Cellulits.  The best way to describe it is to feel like you have the symptoms of the worst flew ever, along with a bloated fractured leg.  Although the leg isn't actually broken, it is definitely some of the worst pain I have ever felt, to walk on it.  Very bizarre.  It's very rare to get a Staph infection but even more rare to get one if you haven't been in surgery.  So I don't know where I got it.  You know the saying, "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy"?  Well I actually would wish this on my worst enemy because I'm not as nice as most people.  I went to the Dr. on Friday and got some shots and some antibiotics.  On Saturday, I went back for a checkup and the infection was not getting better, in fact, it was even more swollen and the infection had actually grown up to my upper leg also.  The Dr. finally ended up sending me to the ER to decide if they wanted to hospitalize me.  (Apparently most people don't drive themselves to the ER so the actual parking lot seemed like it was a mile away) They gave me an IV of antibiotics and then left the end of the IV in me so that I can get follow up IV's for the next 3 days.  They did send me home but told me to stay off my feet as much as possible and try to keep my elephantlike leg elevated.  I can't take pain meds because my wife can't drive for a few more weeks. 

So back to my question, what should I do with this blog for the next several days?  I'm getting better at writing on my phone although what would normally have taken 20 minutes to write, at the computer, has taken my about two hours because autocorrect keeps changing things, like MRSA to NERDS.

So I can:
-Hold off until Thursday or Friday until I can get back in the gym.
-Do a daily inspirational picture post with kitties or puppies.
-Put random memories of my life
- Continue to blog about my day even if there isn't much about getting in shape currently
-Quote some John Denver lyrics.
-Give you a play by play update of the day time TV shows that I'm watching.  (So far the most horrible one has been The Fantasia Barrino Autobigraphy on The Lifetime Network.  It's so horrible that it's awesome.
-Just do a daily picture.

I'm really trying to not let this become a bummer of a blog.  The good news is I've been so nauseated that I imagine I've lost a lot of weight!

 The picture doesn't do it much justice but one leg is definitely bigger than the other.  People sometimes mention how pain is so bad they almost pass out.  The morning shower is the worst because I've been off of the leg all day and then standing sends all of the blood back down into the leg.  I literally thought I might pass out, but at least now I'm clean. 
Bandage Protection


  1. Scotty. Keep the updates coming. That way I won't insert my foot into my mouth by bagging on you for not being at Crossfit when you are out due to a serious medical problem. Get better fast I miss the harassment!

    1. Thanks man. I need to do something. My wife is getting sick of me.
