Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 3

I think that Phil Collins' song "In the Air Tonight" might have been written about the time that a new hotdog stand opened up right outside of my work and so my co-workers had hot dogs for lunch whereas I had an almond butter and honey sandwich and some carrots.  It still haunts me to this day.  (It was yesterday) .  Currently with my diet, I'm just using some old weight watchers books, that my sister in law had, to figure out points.  That way I can still eat what the rest of the family has, just in smaller portions.  I want to start looking at The Zone and Paleo too, but at least for now, I have been eating better and that's at least a step in the right direction.  Although, I do crave a Reese's Peanut Butter cup at this moment.

Lindsay is giving me some other alternatives to the exercises that I still shouldn't or can't do.  The worst thing I could do is try something that I shouldn't or with bad form.  It's nice so I can still pretend like I'm doing the workout with the big kids.  Kind of like when you give your kid a toy snow shovel so that they can feel like they're helping.  The WOD today was 5 rounds of Run 310 m, 10 Kettle Bell Swings at 70 lbs and 15 Burpees.  I modified mine quite a bit so I don't know that it was the same thing.  I substituted the Run with 30 calories on the Aerodyne bikes, I had to use the girls weight on the KBS (53 lbs) and 15 crawl to the floor and slowly get back up again (It looked nothing like a normal burpee).  I think the average time was around 20 minutes.  I finished in 31 minutes 55 seconds.  It was actually pretty horrible but I gave my heart a little squeeze to know that I was ensuring that no one else had to come in last place.  At least I'm good at that.



  1. Great work Scot - that WOD sucked in a major way. Don't worry about your time - it's the work you put in that matters. Besides, we would have been neck on neck if we had worked out together, except I probably would have tripped you or cranked up the resistance on the AD to get a bit of an edge.

    I just did the whole30 seminar and got some great literature and tips to do paleo in a manageable way. Would be happy to share if you want.

    PS - the glasses look very slimming!

  2. It's the glasses that made me realize I was getting bigger. I couldn't tell until I got them.
    Yeah, I'd love to hear see what they gave you and tips you could give me!
