Friday, April 27, 2012

I had decided when I created this blog, that I would try to post daily so that I could keep track of my progress. I have missed a couple of days now but I haven't a whole lot the past couple of weeks.
An update on my leg.  They finally figured out that it was a Strep infection in my leg and not a Staph infection.  So they released me from the hospital on Monday but they have left my Picc line in and given me a IVs of Penicillin and a portable pump that I keep in a fanny pack and have to wear basically all of the time for the next 10 days.  (It's a good thing that fanny packs are really stylish, huh.)  I went and saw a disease specialist yesterday in Salt Lake and she had me describe what happened.  When I was done, she said, that's a classic case of Cellulitis caused by Strep.  She explained that Strep will give you flu like symptoms and spread rapidly whereas Staph stays more in one general spot and create boils.  That was very interesting to learn but I wish my doctors would have known this so that they could have treated me with the right antibiotics 2 weeks ago.  She also said, "I bet you have dry feet that with some cracks in the toes don't you".  We looked and I do and she said that's where I picked up the infection.  It's all still so bizarre how quickly it happened.  It's basically a fluke that I got it and not very common.  Lucky me.
The swelling in my leg has gone down a lot.  It's still a little swollen and red but I the pain is considerably less.  One of the things that I said that it felt like was the worst sunburn I've ever had.  Well, it's starting to peel like the worst sunburn ever.  She told me that I can start to go back to work again and to the gym but to try to keep the leg elevated whenever possible.  That's kind of tough to do at work or at the gym.  I asked her if I disconnect the IV drip while I was at the gym and she said no.  I asked her if I should just do the bikes and she said she wants me to do both aerobic mixed with anaerobic exercises to get the muscles going again and blood pumping again because I've been basically laying around for the past two weeks.  She also said to make sure to stretch.  Basically, what she was explaining to me was that she wants me to do Crossfit.  I just can't get away from it can I.
I guess it begins again.  This time I'll be doing some of the basic Crossfit routines with light weight and that darn bike again with an IV hanging out of my arm.  She just said to be careful that I don't get the line snagged.  Holy crap, that would hurt.  So, I've seen some pregnant ladies still going and thought that was crazy but great.  So I will now get to join the crazies again.  So, if you see someone in the gym that looks like they just escaped from a hospital, the doctor actually told me to do it.  I wish I would have kept a hospital gown.
Starting to get back to normal size

My cool portable IV pump

Katie with her sling and me with my portable IV bag.  We make an awesome couple

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