Tuesday, April 17, 2012


(Lame Note: One of my friends texted me yesterday and asked why she needed to log in to make comments. I said that I didn't know that it was locked but it didn't matter because she was the only one that was reading my injury/ sickness blog. She told me to shut up and open it up for comments. So I think I figured it out. There you go J, if you put Viagra ads in there, you're in trouble. )

Today was my 4th IV of antibiotics.  and I don't really see any improvement.  The swelling is so bad in my lower leg that pictures of it really do look like a pigs leg.  I get to go in tomorrow and have the doctor take a look and decide if I still need the IV's.  I'm going to say 99% chance, yes.  So I don't know when I'll be able to get back to normal life again. 

It's not all bad though, I have learned some great lessons though.  For instance, today on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, that guy that plays Urkel, from Family Matters, was a celebrity guest star.  He played Ashley's boyfriend.  In this episode he was leaving for college and was trying to talk her into losing her virginity to him.  Will found out about it and tried to talk her out of it but then finally realized that Ashley was no longer a little girl that needed his protection.  She was grown up and whatever decision she made, would be the right one.  Well luckily, she made the right choice and didn't lose her virginity and I'm guessing it's because she realized that she was dating Urkel.  I'm glad she realized that before it was too late.

Other than that, I keep trying to get up and move around a little but every time I do, all of the blood rushes down to my already gargantuan leg and feels like it's touching every nerve in my lower leg and crushing bones along with it.  It's very bizarre to be where I'm at in less than a week, but it's looking like it's going to be that way for a while.  When I do sit, it's often in the Lazy Boy chair which is also Adam's favorite chair.  He doesn't mind that I'm there because he sits wherever he wants whether you're there or not.  So he'll often plop himself right on my leg.  But I playing around with him so I guess it's a "Good Pain".

Somehow hoping all of the swelling goes down before the Dr's appointment tomorrow and I can go to work.  Not counting on it though.

Old man Scot, with his IV, watching his daily "Stories"


1 comment:

  1. Yay you did it. All I wanted to say is please keep up with your blog even while you're down. They make me laugh. I've marked you in my favorites. Mostly, I'll know that when to start giving you crap again if you miss any gym days. "J"
