Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13

All good stories need a plot twist in it to keep things interesting.  How's this one?  Yesterday at work, I started to feel really hot and then cold and feeling nauseated etc.  I thought that my new diet was making me sick.  Then my whole body started to ache and I was getting a headache and I thought that maybe I had the flu.  When I got home my thigh started to hurt and my lower leg started to become very tender.  I finally decided that I had probably injured myself on the new Airdyne stationary bikes that Lindsay just added to Crossfit. I decided that maybe I had sat on the seat wrong and pinched a nerve in my leg which was causing the pain.  Finally, I had an excuse not to ride that horrible bike anymore.  But then my lower leg got very red and swollen.  Seriously, what kind of flu is this?  My wife Katie said that maybe I should go up to the emergency to have them look at because her uncle had died of Cellulitis from a staph infection in a cut on his leg.  I told I didn't have any cuts and I just had the flu and I probably needed to sleep it off.
Last night was pretty horrible because to add to my usual backache, I also had the chills and my leg felt like it was going to explode.

I decided to take advantage of my "rest" day and not go to Crossfit since I could barely walk.  I just thought that I'd go into work for a while and if I didn't feel well this afternoon I'd go get it checked out.  Well, Katie called me this morning very unhappy with me and said she just called the Dr. and he wanted to see me IMMEDIATELY because they were worried that it was an infection or a clot.  I wasn't real happy about it because I needed to get some things done at work but I'm much more afraid of my wife than I am my boss,  so I went.

After testing and doing an ultrasound, they ruled out a clot, so that's good news. The bad news is that I have Cellulitis from a Staph infection.  (The very thing that Katie's uncle died from) I don't know where I got it but the Dr. said that it's good that I came in this morning because if I waited too much longer, I could have been hospitalized.  So to try to make a boring story short, I'm laying in bed with my foot elevated and warm rags on it, they also gave me two shots of Penicillin and prescription for some antibiotic that is apparently so strong, they rarely use it except of severe cases.

I have a few morals to the story:
-Always listen to your wife
-If I ever get rich, I'm buying a laptop because writing this with a phone is a pain in the butt.
-It looks like I can't get away from the Airdyne Bikes......Yet.

I have a follow up appointment tomorrow where they will monitor it and if it hasn't gotten better, there's a good chance I'll be writing this from the hospital, on my phone again, for a couple of days.  Going to the hospital would be horrible because there's one only things I hate worse than Crossfit, and that is NEEDLES!  (I would make a horrible druggie)

It's hard to tell because the camera on my phone isn't great, but my left leg is severely red and swollen.  In these pictures, it actually looks like my right leg is the gross one because of my chicken legs.  The effects of Cerebral Palsy, has atrophied the muscles in my lower legs so even though the left looks "healthier" that's only because it's currently swollen.

So the bad news is I probably won't be at Crossfit tomorrow for my "daily pic".  The good news is that the nausea has helped me not over eat the past couple of days.  As far as I know, I should be back Monday morning to continue my new Healthy Life Challenge.

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