Thursday, April 12, 2012

I went back to the Chiropractor yesterday to restart my therapy.  I chose Kevin Lundell because he does Crossfit also and he's giving me some tips and such on certain movements that I should do yet and what I can do instead.  He did say that there's a little bit of tightness in my lower back that we're going to have to work on before my spine adjusts properly so it's going to be more than one treatment.  The neck adjustment felt pretty cool though.  I believe all of this is happening to help teach me patience since that's one of my many flaws.  Although I don't know if I believe that because I patiently put on all of this weight and waited as long as I could to do something about it. 

I don't know how to explain what is happening in my back other than the feeling.  I feel like the in my lower spine, the prongs (probably not the medical term) on the back are overlapping.  So when I woke up this morning and turned to the side to turn off my alarm, the overlapping prongs would scrape against each other and whenever I pivot, they continue to scrape and the just need to pop back into place so they are not overlapping.  Obviously, none of that is probably physically true but that's what it feels like.  It was tight enough that I didn't want to get out of bed but then I remembered that I started this dumb blog, and that I apparently have 2 followers (me and probably my cat?) who would check to see what I did.  (Maybe if I continue to make the daily updates just boring enough, the followers will quit and won't notice) So I did go to the gym but I was leaning a little to right the whole time cause I couldn't stand up all the way.  As for the workout, all I did was alternate 10 minutes on the bike and rowing for 5 for three rounds.  I think those bikes and I are going to become good friends/mortal enemies.  I do get impatient not being able to do the official WOD.  I'm not sure why because I can't say that I actually enjoyed them when I was doing them.  I just enjoyed getting them over with each day.  As far as eating, I still stayed within my WW points but still crave a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.



  1. Keep it up! The first weeks back are always the worst! Not that any weeks after are a ton better!!

    You are a motivation to all of us! Stay strong against the Reese's cups!

    1. Thanks Rosie! I'll try not to let you down.
