Sunday, June 10, 2012

We've made it through the week although Katie has threatened my life several times so far this week.  It really hasn't been that tough because I make some type of salad to take to work and then when I get home, Katie has something already put together for us.  On the other hand, it has pretty much consumed her whole week because she's been trying to make things that taste as good as before. I feel bad for her because her whole life has been taken over by what we can eat and what the next meal will be.  We've tried lots of recipes and they are decent but I honestly don't believe that you can bake foods that are as delicious as you can when you aren't on paleo.  You can grill some pretty good foods but the baked foods are tolerable.  I wouldn't say they are delicious.  When I tell this to my friends that have done it before, they say that I'm wrong, because they've made some pretty good things.  When I ask them what they've baked, they tell me they don't really bake things but they are good stir frying vegetables and grilling good meat.  I honestly don't think that someone who was a great cook would say that these meals are as delicious as the non paleo dishes that they can make.  After a while, my friends usually concede and say that you get used to it. So that's what this diet is, a getting used to foods that will make you healthy diet.  I'm hoping that someone can prove me wrong and bake something that is amazing.

That being said, we are sticking with the diet because we know the importance of it and getting all of the sugars and preservatives out of our system.  I think Katie will finally give up on trying to make things amazing and do as our friends do and just make stir fried vegetables and I'll grill some meat.  Our goal is to do it for a month and then after that, introduce back in some good grains like wheat and oats and some dairy but try to stick to a much healthier diet. 

As far as the workouts go, I am frustrated that my back is still grinding and shocking me because I do believe that this way of eating should give me better results on my WODs.  But as I've said before.....Patience.  If I could rename this blog it would probably be the patience blog since that has become the theme.  I dropped 5 lbs the first few days but I haven't lost anything since then but I wore a shirt today that I haven't been able to button the top button for a while.  Today I was able to with no problem and I had spare space around the neck line.  So I am hoping that I am just transferring some fat weight with muscle weight. Maybe?  I'm sticking to that theory anyway.

After all of the crazy things that have happened to our family in the past few months people keep telling us that we are due for some blessings.  I've been waiting to wake up with my back is completely healed and getting some mail saying I've inherited millions of dollars from a relative that I didn't know about but it hasn't happened yet.  But, I was offered a new job that I will be starting next week.  I'm really excited about it and I hope it will be a good opportunity for our family.  I will be flying out to Atlanta next Sunday (lame fathers day) for training.  So I will need to find some foods that I can take on the flight with me since I doubt any of the airline food is very paleo friendly.  The recruiter also told me that they will be providing me with excellent lunches and dinners each day.  I thought I would postpone the paleo thing for those days but since Katie and Megan will be doing it here, I've made up my mind that I will continue it there.  In the past trainings I've been to, the lunches are usually pasta or sandwiches.  I'm assuming that this will be the say.  I'm thinking I'll be eating a lot of salads with no salad dressing or raw vegetables off of a veggie tray for those days. Honestly though, it will be worth it if the company and opportunity is as great as I'm hoping it will be. The recruiter is a 3rd party recruiter but she said that everyone that she has brought on to that company her profusely for finding them.  She wouldn't just say that because she gets commissions would she?  Of course not.  Wait, would she?  Oh well, I've already given my notice so I guess I'm going. 

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