Sunday, September 2, 2012

Since it's been another long time since I wrote anything I'll just post a couple of quick thoughts about the WODs last week.

 On Monday, it was:
12 Dead lifts-155 Lbs
9 Hang Power Cleans-155 lbs
6 Push Jerk-155 lbs
repeat for 5 rounds.  
That is set up with what is supposed to be the easiest doing the most reps down to the hardest thing doing the least amount of reps.  But, because I still can't bend, it was the opposite for me.  The deadlifts were definitely the hardest part and the push jerks were the easiest.  I actually had to modify the dead lifts so that I just basically did a "hang" deadlift instead of one off of the ground.  Needless to say, I was the last one done.

Tuesday was
50-35-20 reps of:
Wall Ball- 20 lbs
Double Unders
The wall balls were bad but that's 105 Freakin pull ups.  My hands almost tore on that one.  I still need to lose a bunch more weight.

Wednesday was
10 Wall Walks
Row 500 m
40 Slapping Push-ups
30 KB OH Walking Lunge- I did 35 lbs in each arm.  You're supposed to do 55
20 Sandbag Cleans-80 lbs
30 Clapping Push-ups
20 KB OH Walking Lunge
10 Sandbag Cleans
Row 500 m
10 Wall Walks
The worst part of this for me was definitely the wall walks. You are supposed to be in push up position with your feet against the wall and then slowly push yourself backwards and walk up the wall till your doing a hand stand.  My shoulders were shot for the next two days.

Thursday was
Run 465m (3 laps)
4 Tabata Intervals of Double Unders
Run 465
3 Tabata Intervals of Double Unders
Run 465
2 Tabata Intervals of Double Unders
Run 465
1 Tabata Interval of Double Unders
 I rowed instead of ran and I still can't jump high enough for double unders.  Still the last one done.

Rest day (Thank goodness)

1-5 CTB Pull-ups Ladder x 6
1-5 Burpee Ladder x 6
10/15/20 AD Ladder x 6
10/15/20 Squat Ladder x 6
 This was in teams of two and so the first person would do 1 Chest to Bar pull up and then the second person would do one.  Then 2 and 2, 3 and 3 etc until you each did 5 and then you'd start over at one and do it for 6 rounds.  It really doesn't sound that bad until you realize that you and your partner each did 90 of them and then you move to the burpees and do the same thing.  By the time I was done with burpees I had to crawl over to the Airdyne but I didn't think it would be that bad because I only saw the 10/15/20 calories.  I didn't realize that you each had to do that amount of calories and then repeat 6 MORE FREAKIN times.  Doing 10 or even 20 calories on the airdyne really isn't that bad and goes fairly quickly until you realize that your partner actually goes fairly quick with each one so you don't really get a very long rest.  This thing took for ever.  By the time we finished with the bikes, my arms and legs were jello and then we had to do the same thing with squats.  This WOD took us an hour.  The next class was already starting before we finished.  My legs and arms are still pretty much useless today.  Good thing today was rest day.  You know what's horrible about all of this?  It looks like I'll be back again tomorrow for more abuse.  I'm an idiot, what can I say.

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