Monday, July 9, 2012

I ran today!  Ok so it's not that exciting.  It was only for 200 meters and it's only because someone was on the rower that I had been using and I was too lazy to walk all the way back to the other ones. I also don't think I blew anyone away by my amazing speed.  But, that's the first time I've tried to attempt to run the track in about 10 months.  So I'll take that as a little bit of a victory because my back didn't explode.  One thing it made me realize is that no matter how good I get at the rowers and the bikes, I'm not getting a full cardio workout because I just that little run had me pretty winded and I was glad that we had to walk the rest of the track back to the Crossfit area.
We are officially done with our month of pure paleo.  I lost about 15 lbs.  Yeah, now that I'm not taking daily pictures, the weight is starting to come off.  Maybe it's like the watched pot not boiling thing.  The problem is, now that Katie has gotten so good at cooking paleo, she doesn't want to just quit.  My whole goal was to finish the 30 days in time to have a regular birthday dinner and dessert but I'm more scared of Katie than I am tempted to eat junk foods.  So on my birthday dinner Katie and I went to The Union Grill and I wanted I had the Pecan Crusted Chicken and my two sides were broccoli and broccoli.  (Ok, so one thing this diet has NOT done for me is make me more tolerant of many cooked vegetables.)  For my birthday cake, Katie made paleo blueberry muffins with a whipped blueberry topping.  So although, not exactly like any of my past bday dinners, it was still pretty good. 
So we are going to try to keep on it but maybe add some dairy back in and some of the better grains.  I'm not sure what would be the best foods to add in slowly but we're thinking things like oatmeal and Greek Yogurt maybe?  We did try plain Greek Yogurt yesterday and let me just warn you, make sure you get a piece of fruit with each bite because eating a bite of plain yogurt is not a pleasant experience.  I thought maybe I had just bitten into some week old milk that had been left in my car.  But, it's nice to be able to add some other foods in.  Any suggestions would be great on what healthy non paleo foods are the best thing to add back into the diet.  I guess we'll try different things and see what happens.
I have noticed that my workouts are starting to get a little better and my callouses are starting to come back.  I know that callouses are nothing to get real excited about but they always gave me a little bit of pride in some warped way.  Although I'm not able to do pullups like I did in the past, I can at least now do 2 or 3 at a time.  So I'm going to take that as a victory although another newer member of the class told me I was doing a good job and asked how long I've been doing Crossfit.  I think they were a little shocked/disappointed when I told them just over 3 years.  Oh well, I found it humorous. 

Breakfast of Greek yogurt with strawberries and blueberries.  The strawberries weren't quite sweet enough to make up for the funkiness of the yogurt but the blueberries did alright.  Also a left over bday blueberry muffin.  The picture doesn't do it justice cause it was actually really good.

July 9th

July 9th.  A little over the month on the paleo diet and apparently not very happy about it from the looks of things.  But down 15 lbs.

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