Friday, May 10, 2013

I promise I'm still alive

Now that everyone has forgotten about this blog, I can just use it to put personal notes in here and grocery lists and stuff cause it doesn't matter anymore....I hadn't intentionally quit updating this thing. I just had taken a couple of weeks off for the holidays and then I'd think about it and just not do it.  I would occasionally think of something that I should put in here but then I then I'd have to catch up what else had been going on and as the length of time got longer and longer, the harder it was to put something in here. Kind of like when you let the housework get behind and then you don't want to start.
So I'm going to briefly kind of catch up what's been going on and then I can start putting updates as they occur instead of semi-annually.  So here it is:
I lost a ton of weight and got really strong.  So there  you go.  I'm caught up! Ok, so maybe that didn't happen. I might have had a few hiccups. One of which was called "the holidays".  I basically didn't think about eating good during that entire time.  And even though I was still going to the gym, I was getting out of shape.  My back also went out a couple of times and at first  I just figured that it was bad luck and arthritis, but I do believe that a lot of it has to do with the foods I'm eating and whether or not I control the inflammation in my back. So I'm back on the good eating plan.
Another reason why I had quit writing was because I hadn't hit the goals I had wanted to and decided I'd failed.  But, then I have to realize that I have still maintained my goal of putting off being in a wheelchair as long as possible.  Also, I have to keep reminding myself that getting in shape is a long race and not a sprint.  Most people who lose gobs of weight quickly gain it all back anyway so maybe I'm just smart for taking so long to lose the weight that I want to.
So nothing that exciting in the past several months anyway.  As I mentioned, my back went out in December and again in February and I was relegated to a cane for a few days both times. Also, because I always sleep with my hands curled up in a ball, my hands had started going numb and I ended up having to get carpal tunnel.  I know it sounds like I'm hypochondriac but I really don't get sick that much.  I guess instead, when something does happen, I like to go big. So anyway.  I'm going to try to start writing a little more often than every 6 months because I know when I'm at least recording how my weeks going, I try to do better with eating and exercising.  So I'm back kind of but at least now, when I think of something to write, I can actually record it hear without having to go back and explain the past 6 months.

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