Friday, December 21, 2012

This is just a quick post because the Mayans said the world is supposed to end today and so I don't want to put much into it if no one is going to read it. (Who am I kidding, no one reads it anymore anyway.) I went to the do the workout today just in case the world doesn't end. The main part  was 4 minutes of burpee box jumps, then 2 minutes of the bear complex (Clean,Front squat, thruster, back squat, thruster) as many of those as you could in the two minutes. Then we had to do 2 more minutes of burpees. Although this was a short workout, I now can't reach above my head or squat down on the ground at the moment. That's going to be kind of inconvenient because rumor has it that Santa might be bringing us a TV he's going to need to be able to reach above his head to mount on the wall.
Anyway, I am going to be very ticked if the world ends and the evening classes got to get out of all of those burpees.  Even if we all die in some horrible painful death, when we all get to heaven, I'm going to be holding a grudge for my evening class friends and the grudge will be so bad that I'll probably end up going to hell, assuming I wasn't sent there in the first place. So I'm kind of hoping that the world doesn't end today.
The other reason that I don't want it to end right now is because the last song that I just heard was that Diamonds song by Rhianna and it's stuck in my head and I'd rather not have it stuck in my head for eternity......Shines bright like a diamond....Shines bright like a diamond....Shines bright............

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